激光共聚焦扫描显微镜测试结果发表于《ACS Nano》
2014年1月,杨志谋课题组在《ACS Nano》上发表题为《Self-Assembly-Induced Far-Red/Near-Infrared Fluorescence Light-Up for Detecting and Visualizing SpecificProtein-Peptide Interactions》论文,本文设计合成了一个FR/NIR荧光激发探针DBT-2EEGWRESAI,通过其自组装过程驱动的荧光变化,在溶液或活菌中高效、高选择性地实现了特定蛋白/多肽相互作用的可视化。文章共同第一作者王怀民,刘杰,共同通讯作者刘斌,丁丹。
Confocal images of live bacteria after TIP-1 expression and probe incubation for (B) 0.5 and (D) 4 h. (C, E) Corresponding fluorescence/transmission overlay images of (B) and (D).
(A) Enlarged confocal image of live bacteria after TIP-1 expression and probe incubation for 4 h. (B) Correspondingfl uorescence/transmission overlay image of (A). (C) 3D confocal image of DBT-2EEGWRESAI-stained live bacteria at 4 h.
(A) Confocal image and (B) the corresponding fluorescence/transmission overlay image of live bacteria after ULD-TIP-1 expression and probe incubation for 4 h. (C) Enlarged confocal image and (D) 3D confocal image of DBT-2EEGWRESAI-stained live bacteria at 4 h.
《ACS Nano》是美国化学会出版社纳米材料领域的顶尖学术期刊,现影响因子为12.033